Chocolate truffle & honeycomb torte

Try this easy no-bake dessert which uses just five ingredients. As well as looking great as a centrepiece, it's easy to carry to a gathering.

  • Preparation and cooking time
    • Prep:35 mins
    • plus 2 hrs chilling; no cook
  • Easy
  • Serves 12

  • Vegetarian

Nutrition: Per serving
Nutrient Unit
kcal 494
fat 36g
saturates 21g
carbs 37g
sugars 27g
fibre 4g
protein 4g
salt 0.2g

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  • 3 x 40g chocolate-covered honeycomb bar
  • 100g cornflakes
  • 500g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa solids), broken into small pieces
  • 3 tbsp golden syrup
  • 400ml double cream

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  • STEP 1

    Line the base of a 20cm springform tin with baking parchment. Put 2 of the chocolate honeycomb bars into a food bag or bowl and crush as finely as you can using the end of a rolling pin. Tip into a bowl and mix with the cornflakes.

  • STEP 2

    Put the dark chocolate in a heatproof bowl that has a wide lip, and set it over a smaller heatproof bowl that’s filled with boiling water from the kettle. Leave to stand for a minute, then stir until completely smooth. Spoon 100g of the melted chocolate into the cornflake mix and stir to combine. Spoon this into the prepared tin, pressing it down.

  • STEP 3

    With the remaining chocolate still set over the bowl of hot water, stir in the golden syrup and double cream until smooth. Pour this over the cornflake base, and tap the tin against the work surface to smooth the top. Chill for 2-4 hrs, or until set. Will keep chilled for up to three days.

  • STEP 4

    Run a cutlery knife around the edge of the torte to loosen it from the tin, then invert onto a serving plate or board, so the cornflake mixture is on top. Roughly chop the remaining chocolate honeycomb bar and scatter it over the top. Cut the torte into slices using a knife that’s been dipped in boiling water.

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